Timber Treatment Specialists

Timber preservation is the method of preventing and tackling the effects of woodworm, dry rot and wet rot. All of which can cause serious damage to a building.

Timber preservation is an essential aspect of building maintenance that involves protecting wooden structures from decay, rot, and insect infestation. It is particularly important in damp environments where moisture can cause wood to deteriorate over time. At Allerton Damp, we understand the importance of timber preservation and offer a range of services to help property owners protect their buildings’ wooden building materials.

What Causes
Timber to Rot

Wet Rot

Wet rot fungus is a common cause of decay, particularly in Yorkshire, that can cause significant damage to timber structures, such as roof joists and exposed timbers.

The initial symptoms of wet rot present as long cube-shaped cracks. The timber will also appear either bleached or turn darker, depending on the type of rot causing the damage.

The principal factor contributing to wet rot is an excessive level of moisture in the affected timber. It is essential to identify and eliminate the source of the moisture as soon as possible to prevent the spread of the wet rot to the affected area and adjoining wood. To maintain the structural integrity of your property, timber preservation treatment is highly recommended.

Dry Rot

Dry rot is an agressive fungus which proliferates when timber is subjected to damp to an extended period of time. Poorly-ventilated sub-floor areas can be humid and encourage the growth of the fungus by providing an ideal environment in which it can flourish.

As dry rot progresses, the affected wood will eventually become dry, brittle and/or become cracked in a cube-like fashion.

Yellow and brown dry rot developed on a white wall

Timber Treatment Services

Our team of experts specialise in timber preservation. Our Surveyors identify the extent of any existing problems and determine to what extent any affected timber is damaged or beyond repair.

Once this has been established, a remedy for the problem will be designed. Our qualified technicians will preserve as much of the original timber as possible, ensuring that costs are kept to a minimum, and replace what is needed with new, specially treated timber  which is resistant to decay and infestation.

Any original timbers which remain will be treated with ALLDAMP Dual Purpose Fungicidal Treatment to ensure a lasting resolution.

Damp Proofing and Prevention

You might wonder why damp proofing generally goes hand-in-hand with timber preservation. Well, the answer is simple; both problems are often found simultaneously affecting a home. This is no coincidence as when damp affects timber, the timber presents a viable source of sustenance for wood rotting fungi and woodworm. So, the method of preventing timber decay and infestation always starts with protecting the timber from damp.

Dampness can lead to the growth of the fungi and bacteria that cause wood rot and decay. Allerton Damp provides damp proofing services to prevent moisture from penetrating a building’s walls and floors, such as installing damp proof courses and tanking systems.

In addition, there are several preventative measures that property owners can take to protect their timber structures from moisture. These include repairing any leaks in the roof or plumbing and maintaining proper ventilation.

By taking these steps, property owners can prevent dampness from affecting timber in their homes, preserving their integrity and ensuring the safety of the building’s occupants.

The Allerton Difference

At Allerton, our expert CSRT Surveyors are leaders in the field of the diagnosis of timber decay and infestation. As part of our service, our Surveyors will recommend:

  • The appropriate treatment required to eradicate the decay or infestation, using our exclusive ALLDAMP range of products;
  • The amount of repairs required (if any) to make the structure safe;
  • The extent of replacement timbers that will be needed; and
  • The works required to fix the source of water which has led to the decay or infestation.

Once our Surveyor has prepared their report, our PCAQT Certified Technicians will carry out the repair works to the highest possible standard.

With more than 40 years experience in the trade, there aren’t any problems out there which we can’t diagnose or put right. Having the right knowledge is essential, but the way in which we share our expertise with our customers in what really sets us apart from our competitors.

Firstly, unlike our competitors, our CSRT Surveyors are rewarded for good customer service; as such, you can guarantee that when we inspect your home, we provide our analysis as an expert, with outstanding service at the forefront of our minds.

Secondly, we ensure that we always have the capacity to react to our customer’s problems quickly. Where timber decay and infestation are detected, reacting quickly is essential as these problems can pose a risk to your safety. If you’ve found any evidence which you suspect to be timber decay or infestation, don’t hesitate, contact us today for a fast and effective remedy.


Are chemicals used in the timber preservation process?

The process of eliminating woodworm or wood-rotting fungi can necessitate the use of specialist pesticides or fungicides. However, we only use products from our exclusive ALLDAMP range which meet the required industry standards and are approved for use in homes. Additionally, when we use any such chemicals, we will advise you on the suitable precautions to take to prevent anyone in your home being injured during the treatment process.

I’ve found decay and an infestation, can I ignore it?

It is never advisable to ignore signs of timber decay or infestation. The reason for this is that, with the passage of time, fungi spreads, insects multiply and more timber is consumed, causing its eventual collapse.

If timber decay or infestation is left untreated, it almost inevitably leads to greater repairs and more cost to the homeowner.

My floor is rotting, will it all need to be replaced?

In short, not necessarily. If the timber decay is affecting only a small part of the floor, the need for replacement timber might be small. In many cases, it is entirely possible to treat affected timber without replacing it, though this often depends on how soon a problem is detected and how quickly it is caught. In any case, our Surveyors will advise you to what extent any timber needs to be replaced before going ahead with any works.

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Contact Us To Book A Survey

Whatever your needs, a member of our Customer Care Team will be happy to hear from you. They are trained in all areas of our work from damp proofing to cellar conversions and will aim to help you as far as possible at the initial stage. They’re friendly, approachable and they always have time to discuss your property needs.


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